My "Pouch" and New "Do"
If you recall, I go on some of the most awesome dates... well after dinner yesterday my food baby really exploded. I guess I didn't pay too much attention to it, but the boyfriend did. Let me take you back to the scene
Him: WHOA!
Me: What?
Him: Babe, I could rest my hand on your "pouch"
Me: OMG, like a kangaroo's pouch? hahah... my food baby is huge.
Him: Gym time.
In other news, I cut my hair. I have bangs and the lady said I need to train them to swoop as seen in the picture. I like that, training my new do. For a before pic, please refer to any of the previous posts w/ my face. (minus the Just Add Eyeliner... that one might scare you off). The biggest change is the more noticiable bang action and the more feathered out hair. It took her forever to thin out all my hair)
Thank you thank you to all those who have contributed to my wardrobe. We all know I need some help and at least I now know these shirts are satin and not glossy :D
Apparently, I also Bring Sunshine
MISS MOO thinks I'm sunshine. BYBFL!!!!!!

Apparently, I Bring all the Boys to the Yard
Little Miss Sunshine thinks I'm little Miss Bossy. I guess there may be some accuracy to that.
It's called Satin
In attempt to describe the shirt I was wearing in Call Me Four Eyes, I told Miss Moo I was wearing a glossy shirt. She was quick to tell me it's called "satin."
What would I do w/o my backyard buddy? Here's to Miss Mooooooo.
Call Me Four Eyes
Ladies and Gents, boys and girls of all ages.... welcome to the freak show. Presenting four eyes:
Spud Ole
My mom and I spent the whole day shopping and running errands. We finally left the mall and were deciding on what to eat. She was craving a hamburger, so we opted for Fuddruckers. As I pull into the lot, I notice a big "McAllister" sign across the road. I couldn't believe it! There's actually a McA's in Houston.
If you know me at all, I love eating a spud ole, which I previously could only eat when in Austin or Dallas (both cities in which I do not reside). My mom started panicking when I quickly backed out of the Fud parking lot.
Made my day.... here's to my Spud Ole! And kudos to the guy who gave me two stamps for my sweet tea :D
Note: Yes, I know my mom was craving a hamburger, but she finds more joy in eating what her daughter likes to eat. Yes, she looked at me weird as I was clapping upon my food's arrival.
Cholesterol Fighter
As you may or may not be aware, my cholesterol is super high. It's so high my doctor recommended I speak to a nutritionist because according to him, "I'm too young to be on medication." Well, I'm too cheap to speak to a nutrionist. More or less, I'm pretty sure the nutritionist will just tell me to stop eating fat, crawfish, cow, shrimp, etc. [The fat thing, my sister has been telling me for years].
In efforts to carry away the cholesterol, I tried eating cheerios because in my mind, oatmeal is too nasty. Well, I finished off a box of cheerios, which was pretty disgusting, so I thought I would try my hand at oatmeal.
Day 1: It took me an hour to finish one package. But I wasn't hungry for a long time.
Day 2: I adjusted to the oatmeal and finished it in a reasonable amount of time.
Day 3: One package doesn't hold me down. I get hungry as usual... but not as hungry when I eat a rice krispie treat w/ a glass of milk.Day 4 - yesterday: Still having oatmeal for breakfast. I still think it's disgusting, but hey... I gotta do what I gotta do.
Today: This is what my oatmeal did to my spoon...
Yes, the spoon is broken into 4.2 parts. A colleague came into my office to ask me a question. By the time he left, the oatmeal had hardened. When I dug my spoon to get a bite, the spoon broke, with one piece flying across the room and landing in my book shelf.
This stuff better be taking away my cholesterol.
I've been watching too much Grey's Anatomy. I keep saying "seriously." It's annoying me now.
Just Add Eyeliner
In case you were curious as to how lit up my face was... here is a sort of zoomed out picture. You can see that my right eye is smaller than my left and my left cheek is bigger than my right cheek. I believe my face is unsymmetrical that way normally, but the red puffiness makes that more obvious:
Here is a close up of my eye:
And one day later... just add benedryl and eyeliner. This is me coming out of my dermatologist's office during work. You will notice that my right eye is still naturally smaller than my left eye and my left cheek is larger than my left cheek: