sometimes you feel like aNUT...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thank You Sunny 99.1

This morning I won free tickets to watch Kelly Clarkson in concert. Not only did I win free tickets, but I WON BACKSTAGE PASSES TO MEET HER!!!!

Needless to say, I'm a bit excited. And yes, I occasionally listen to "soft rock" on 99.1... I got no shame! Music is music :D

Saturday, July 15, 2006

CA July '06 - KICK BALL

Remember back in the days when we would play a friendly game of kick ball on our neighborhood streets? I do. I remember playing boys versus girls on Masonridge Dr. There was black tar lining the streets that formed a cross... this was home base. Conveniently, there were these marks along the curb that would make perfect marks for first through third base.

I also remember Sam, my neighbor who is 3 years my senior, who was HUGE compared to very skinny looking me. Needless to say, the boys definitely had more "umph" in their kicks than the girls. I can't remember if we ever mixed up the teams, but I do remember the only time when I managed to kick a "homerun" [Question: Do they call those home runs? or is that only a baseball thing]. Sam was rolling the ball to me, but his feet were straddled. I'm sure he wasn't expecting me to kick the ball very far and everyone else from his team had moved closer in. I somehow managed to kick the ball through his legs and all the way down the street! Ahh, I remember that as if it were yesterday.

Now to the point of my story: during my visit at Hoi Dong, I had to opportunity to relive my not so glorious kick ball days. Needless to say, I wasn't the MVP of our team. I believe the 11 year old boy on our team was more impressive than me... BUT, my team came out victorious! WE WON!!!!! That deserves a "BUUUUYAAAAH!"

[I'm not that good at winning graciously].

California July 2006

I took a little over a week off of work to go on a little vacation in California. The first part of my trip (Friday, July 7th to Tuesday, July 11th) was dedicated to something called "Hoi Dong." It's the Vietnamese District's Christian and Missionary Alliance ("CMA" denomination) annual conference. For me, it was a bit different because my 'partners in crime' weren't there... BUT it gave me a chance to meet new friends!

The second half of my trip (Wednesday, July 12th to Sunday, July 16th) entailed visiting family in Sacremento, San Jose, & San Francisco. San Francisco is ridiculously cold for the summer. I had to borrow my aunt's semi-puffy jacket to keep warm.

Random highlights of my trip will follow.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


I am currently out on vacation, but will be returning sometime after Sunday, July 16th. For further assistance, please refer to some of my old favorites:

Not my poo

Gansta Pants

Morning Convos

Scary Netters


Boy in Girls Bathroom

El Ultimo Stud

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Welcome Home!!!

THUY!!! Welcome home from Asia. You got rid of your cell phone, so I can't contact you. CONTACT ME WOMAN.

Note: Doesn't she remind you of Aundrea from MTB3? [The cheeks that is].