sometimes you feel like aNUT...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Muchas Gracias

Hola mis amigos. Muchas gracias por todos son esperon que feliz cumpleanos ami.

HAHAHA... I am hoping what I said above was "Hello my friends. Thank you very much for wishing me a happy birthday." My Argentine friends would most likely be rolling on the ground saying, "Please just speak in English."

Anyhow, a many many thanks to everyone who wished me a happy 25! What a mile stone. It's also interesting because in this day and age, facebook or your outlook calendar probably reminded you it was my birthday. I even got well wishes from people who I never thought would remember my name, let alone my birthday. Well, it doesn't matter because I appreciate the fact that you at least took the time out to make a post on my facebook page or send me a text, email, call, etc... I guess I know who my real friends are, j/k.

Again, thanks thanks so much. I'll post about my awesome flowers that were sent to my office by MY TALOOLA and my customer (notice, no bf)!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I think the more I live, the more I realize how selfish of a person I am. Whether this selfish nature is revealed through relationships or just life situations... it's an ugly truth. Last week, I had the joy of getting to know two very unselfish people: Sergey and Ivan. They are both from Uzbekistan:

They have been exiled from their country for the sake of spreading the Gospel. I spent 2 glorious hours talking to them. Talk about unselfish. Unselfish because they (and their families) are completely absorbed with one mission: and it has nothing to do with themselves. So now they are in the USA w/ no money, but they are not without hope. God has provided for them in everyway possible, and I mean everyway.

If you want to know more about their story and why on earth they would risk their lives and their families' lives for this Gospel, please let me know. I would love for you to talk to them in person. In the meantime, if you feel compelled to support them in any way (i.e. financially, prayerfully, etc.) please let me know. I can tell you how to do so and how you will be so blessed.

I live in a nation where I currently (yes, note I said currently) have freedom of just about everything. Oh, Lord... let me be reminded to pick up my cross and follow hard after you.