Morning Conversations
Disclaimer: There is some profane language in this blog. It is used in a more definitional manner. Also, this was not written to make fun of my mom. As a matter of fact, I love having conversations with my mom... especially while we're on the road.
~The Scene~
As my mom and I were driving to work this morning, she noticed this coffee shop named "BADASS." I suppose she noticed it for the first time, so as she saw the sign, she gasped, "Annette, the word ass... isn't that a bad word? What does it mean that they put B - A - D - A - S - S? (Please do imagine an asian woman who speaks English pretty well with some fob when she gets riled up). Why would they name a place that curses?"
Me: (Chuckle to self) I try to find a way to explain to my mom the meaning. I then proceed with, "Well, yes.... When someone points at you and says you are such an A, they mean it in a bad way."
Mom interrupts: "Please just say the word. I know you don't want to, but it will help me better understand, especially if someone says that outloud. I will know what they are talking about."
Me: Again, I smile and continue, "However, if someone should point at you and say you are such a badass... that generally means that you are really awesome."
Mom: Oh, I see. That's so weird. So I guess this coffee shop is for people who like to play (Note: By play, she really means that the coffee shop is trying to target a "younger" generation... the cooler ones).
Me: Sure. Do you understand Mom?
Mom: Yes.
Me: Let me try explaining with another curse word. Mom, you know the "F" word?
Mom: Yes.
Me: Well if someone says, "F you," that's cursing at you. It's not meant to be a compliment.
Mom: I know you don't want to say the word, but I cannot pronounce it. Can you say it, so I can hear what it sounds like?
Me: (Feeling very uncomfortable). Sure Mom. (Note: I will continue to say the "F word" because I still don't feel comfortable typing it out). So I repeat the phrase and then explain that if someone says, "Wow you're F'ing awesome" that can be a compliment.
Mom: Oh. Okay, thanks. Do you know how to curse in Vietnamese?
Me: No mom, I don't think I'd really recognize it if I heard it.
Mom: (As she tends to change the subject on a whim) Why do you have black bags under your eyes?
Me: I don't know. I get 8 hours of sleep a night... but it would be great if I could wake up at 8am instead of 6am.
*We spend the rest of the time having other morning conversations or she sleeps while I sing before we get to work. Did I mention that I LOVE how my mom and I have conversation? I love how she tries to understand the American culture and the world around her. She's a very wise woman, and I hope to be just a fraction of her very badass-ness when I am a mother... pardon me.*
~The Scene~
As my mom and I were driving to work this morning, she noticed this coffee shop named "BADASS." I suppose she noticed it for the first time, so as she saw the sign, she gasped, "Annette, the word ass... isn't that a bad word? What does it mean that they put B - A - D - A - S - S? (Please do imagine an asian woman who speaks English pretty well with some fob when she gets riled up). Why would they name a place that curses?"
Me: (Chuckle to self) I try to find a way to explain to my mom the meaning. I then proceed with, "Well, yes.... When someone points at you and says you are such an A, they mean it in a bad way."
Mom interrupts: "Please just say the word. I know you don't want to, but it will help me better understand, especially if someone says that outloud. I will know what they are talking about."
Me: Again, I smile and continue, "However, if someone should point at you and say you are such a badass... that generally means that you are really awesome."
Mom: Oh, I see. That's so weird. So I guess this coffee shop is for people who like to play (Note: By play, she really means that the coffee shop is trying to target a "younger" generation... the cooler ones).
Me: Sure. Do you understand Mom?
Mom: Yes.
Me: Let me try explaining with another curse word. Mom, you know the "F" word?
Mom: Yes.
Me: Well if someone says, "F you," that's cursing at you. It's not meant to be a compliment.
Mom: I know you don't want to say the word, but I cannot pronounce it. Can you say it, so I can hear what it sounds like?
Me: (Feeling very uncomfortable). Sure Mom. (Note: I will continue to say the "F word" because I still don't feel comfortable typing it out). So I repeat the phrase and then explain that if someone says, "Wow you're F'ing awesome" that can be a compliment.
Mom: Oh. Okay, thanks. Do you know how to curse in Vietnamese?
Me: No mom, I don't think I'd really recognize it if I heard it.
Mom: (As she tends to change the subject on a whim) Why do you have black bags under your eyes?
Me: I don't know. I get 8 hours of sleep a night... but it would be great if I could wake up at 8am instead of 6am.
*We spend the rest of the time having other morning conversations or she sleeps while I sing before we get to work. Did I mention that I LOVE how my mom and I have conversation? I love how she tries to understand the American culture and the world around her. She's a very wise woman, and I hope to be just a fraction of her very badass-ness when I am a mother... pardon me.*
At 4:28 PM,
Peter D said…
Dude ... your mom is awesome!!! HAHAHAHAHA ... I'm rolling on the floor! She actually got you to swear and she was okay with it! HAHA ... wow! I mean I know I'm not supposed to be encouraging people swear ... being a pastor and all ... but DUDE ... that's just freakin' awesome! HHAHA ... I mean I kinda played the scene out in my head and I just cracked up so bad!!! Tell your mom that I think she's cool ... that is if you want to relive the morning full of cuss words. So did she teach you a few vietnamese ones? It's only fair that she does!
At 1:35 PM,
netty said…
haha, BIM! you frightened. You almost aired out all my dirty laundry on my blogspot! Have you ever heard of picking up a telephone?!?!
We'll talk some time soon! Please feel free to remain jealous on behalf of the both of us :D
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